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Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Releases of Dioxins, Furans and Other Unintentional POPs PART II Emission Factors |
Source Group 4 Mineral Products
This section summarizes high-temperature processes in the mineral industry. Raw materials or fuels that contain chlorides may potentially cause the formation of PCDD/PCDF at various steps of the processes, e.g., during the cooling phase of the gases or in the heat zone. Due to the long residence time in kilns and the high temperatures needed for the product, emissions of PCDD/PCDF are generally low in these processes. The categories shown in Table II.4.1 will be included into the dioxin and furan inventory.
Table II.4.1. Overview of source categories included in group 4 - Mineral Products
4 - Mineral Products Potential release route Source categories Air Water Land Product Residue a Cement production X xb Lime production X xc Brick production X xd Glass production X xe Ceramics production X xf Asphalt mixing X x xg Oil shale pyrolysis X xTable II.4.2. Relevance to Article 5, Annex C of the Stockholm Convention
No Toolkit source category Part II Part III Relevant source category in Annex C 4a Cement Production XCement kilns firing hazardous waste An example of elaborating source inventory and release estimate for this source group is included in the example inventory 5.
Principal raw materials for cement production are clay and limestone. There are four main process routes for the manufacture of cement: the dry, semi-dry, semi-wet and wet processes. These processes are described in detail in the BAT&BEP Guidance.
Modern cement kilns often use the dry process, in which raw mill material may be pre-heated in a vertically arrayed multi-cyclone pre-heater, in which the rising hot gases exiting the kiln contact the downward flowing raw materials. Some dry processes also employ a pre-calciner stage just before the raw material enters the kiln. The use of the wet process, where the ground meal is mixed with water and fed into the kiln uses about 40% more energy than the dry process. Semi-dry and semi-wet processes use grate pre-heaters, also known as Lepol kilns.
Typical fuels used are coal, oil, gas or petroleum coke. In many cases a variety of alternative fuels derived from high calorific wastes are also used to supplement the fossil fuel. The wastes may include: waste oils, solvents, animal meals, certain industrial wastes, and in some cases hazardous wastes. Most of these will be fired at the burner (hot) end of the kiln. Tires are often used and may be added to the kiln as whole tires or chipped.
PCDD/PCDF emission factors for four source classes are listed in Table II.4.3. As can be seen, there is no emission factor for releases with residues. Typically cement kilns do not generate residues since the ESP dust is reintroduced and releases via this vector are negligible. Some cement kilns with a high input of chlorine (from wastes or raw materials) have a bypass installed to separate high chlorine containing Cement Kiln Dust (CKD; up to 10% chloride) before the first cyclone. Typically this CKD is sent to specific landfills or underground mines. More information on how process outputs are managed can be found in the BAT&BEP Guidelines. Detailed information on how emission factors have been derived can be found in Annex 35.
Table II.4.3 PCDD/PCDF emission factors for source category 4a Cement Production
4a | Cement Production | Emission Factors (µg TEQ/t cement produced) | ||||
Classification | Air | Water | Land | Product | Residue | |
1 | Shaft kilns | 5 | ND | NA | ND | ND |
2 | Old wet kilns, ESP temperature > 300°C | 5 | ND | NA | ND | ND |
3 | Rotary kilns, ESP/FF temperature 200-300°C | 0.6 | ND | NA | ND | ND |
4 | Wet kilns, ESP/FF temperature < 200°C Dry kilns preheater/precalciner, T< 200°C |
0.05 | ND | NA | ND | ND |
Class 1 includes shaft kilns.
Class 2 includes old wet kilns and with dust collectors operating at temperatures above 300°C.
Class 3 includes modern rotary kilns, where the dust collector is between 200 and 300°C.
Class 4 includes modern plants where dust collector temperatures are held below 200°C.
Activity rates may be obtained from various sources, such as the following:
The emission factors are based on data available from various regions of the world, and are thus assigned a high confidence level.
Lime is used in a wide range of products. Quicklime (or burnt lime) is calcium oxide (CaO) produced by decarbonization of limestone (CaCO3). Slaked lime is quicklime with water content and mainly consists of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). Major users of lime are the steel industry, construction, pulp and sugar industries.
The lime making consists of the burning of calcium and/or magnesium carbonate at a temperature between 900 and 1,500°C. For some processes, higher temperatures are needed. The calcium oxide product (CaO) from the kiln is generally crushed, milled, and/or screened before being conveyed into a silo. The burned lime is either delivered to the end user in the form of quicklime or reacted with water in a hydrating plant to produce hydrated lime or slaked lime.
Different fuels - solid, liquid, or gaseous - are used in lime burning. Most kilns can operate on more than one fuel. The lime burning process involves two phases (BREF 2010):
Most of the kilns are either shaft or rotary design. Most kilns are characterized by the counter-current flow of solids and gases. Fluidized bed kilns and rotary hearths may also be found. The typical kiln sizes are between 50 and 500 tons per day (BREF 2010).
PCDD/PCDF emission factors for two source classes are listed in Table II.4.4. Detailed information on how these emission factors have been derived can be found in Annex 36.
Table II.4.4 PCDD/PCDF emission factors for source category 4b Lime Production
4b | Lime Production | Emission Factors (µg TEQ/t lime produced) | ||||
Classification | Air | Water | Land | Product | Residue | |
1 | No dust control or contaminated, poor fuels | 10 | NA | NA | ND | ND |
2 | Lime production using dust abatement | 0.07 | NA | NA | ND | ND |
Class 1 includes plants with poorer combustion and simple or no gas cleaning systems.
Class 2 includes kilns are highly energy efficient and fitted with fabric filter gas cleaning.
Activity rates may be obtained from various sources, such as the following:
The way the kiln inputs are controlled and maintaining a stable kiln operation is an important factor impacting PCDD/PCDF releases. Emission factors for less controlled processes such as those of class 1 are assigned a medium level of confidence. The emission factor in class 2 is assigned a high level of confidence due to better control of the process and available data.
Brick production with simple kilns, ranging from informal to industrial dimensions, is an important activity in developing and emerging countries. The installations present in various parts of the world have different characteristics. For instance, industrial scale kilns with a large capacity of production (approximately 100 million tons per year) are encountered in South Africa. In Mexico, typical kilns have significantly lower production capacities (around 100 tons per kiln per year), and most often are concentrated in small areas. Kenyan kilns are small size installations, with the output entirely used for own demand.
Various fuels are used, and especially in emerging economies traditional fuels (wood) are often replaced by wastes with high caloric values (oil, tires, plastic). These fuels may promote higher emissions of PCDD/PCDF, PCB and HCB.
PCDD/PCDF emission factors for two source classes are listed in Table II.4.5. The air emission factors for PCDD/PCDF are the same as in the 2005 edition of the Toolkit. However, high levels detected in ash (around 100 ng/kg PCDD/PCDF TEQ) and bricks (around 10 ng/kg) at one Mexican site using a mix of heavy oil and tree bark indicate the need for further investigations to assess whether these data pertain to another class (Umlauf et al. 2011). However, with regards the bricks, it can be assumed that PCDD/PCDFs are immobilized to a large extent.
Revised or newly added emission factors are highlighted in red. Emission factors for other unintentional POPs are listed in Annex 37. Detailed information on how default emission factors have been derived can also be found in Annex 37.
Table II.4.5 PCDD/PCDF emission factors for source category 4c Brick Production
4c | Brick Production | Emission Factors (µg TEQ/t brick produced) | ||||
Classification | Air | Water | Land | Product | Residue* | |
1 | No emission abatement in place and using contaminated fuels | 0.2i | - | NA | 0.06iii | 0.02v |
2 | No emission abatement in place and using non-contaminated fuels Emission abatement in place and using any kind of fuel No emission abatement in place but state of the art process control** |
0.02ii | - | NA | 0.006iv | 0.002vi |
* In countries with no waste management or no reuse of the residue for brick making, this often goes to Land.
** For brick kilns with state of the art process control, such as the Hoffmann type, it has been demonstrated that co-incineration of waste does not promote emissions of PCDD/PCDF when compared to the use of coal (Ubaque et al. 2010).
iConfirmed/derived with field measurements at Mexican artisanal brick kilns using waste oil
iiConfirmed/derived with field measurement at Mexican Kilns using virgin wood
iiiDerived from field measurements at Mexican artisanal brick kilns using waste oil
ivDerived from coal and virgin wood fired brick kilns in Mexico, South Africa at industrial and artisanal scale
vDerived from Mexican artisanal brick kilns fired with contaminated fuels
viDerived from virgin wood and coal fired kilns in Mexico, South Africa and Kenya at industrial and artisanal scale
Class 1 factors should be applied to smaller and less controlled kilns with no gas cleaning technology.
Class 2 includes technologies with no emission abatement in place and using non-contaminated fuels, those using emission abatement and any kind of fuel, and with no emission abatement in place but state of the art process control.
Activity rates may be obtained from various sources, such as the following:
Additional guidance on estimating activity rates for artisanal brick production is included in the example inventory 5.
No other reports from artisanal kilns have been produced regarding POPs. The data used to derive the emission factors to air were produced via two experiments with partial geographical coverage. Emission factors to land and residues have a broader coverage. In particular, kilns typical to China and other Asian countries were not assessed. Because of energy efficiency programs, continuous types of kilns are being implemented in Asia, Africa and in the near future in Latin America. Based on the above, the level of confidence assigned to emission factors for class 1 is high to medium, and for class 2 is medium.
Furnaces used for glass manufacture may be continuously or intermittently operated. Typical fuels are oil and gas. The raw materials are principally sand, limestone, dolomite, soda, and in some cases recycled glass. In addition a wide range of other materials may be used to achieve desired properties such as color, clarity, and for purification. Chlorinated and fluorinated compounds may be added (SCEP 1994). In some modern glass furnaces, gases are cleaned with sorbents and electrostatic precipitators or fabric filters.
PCDD/PCDF emission factors for two source classes are listed in Table II.4.6. Detailed information on how these emission factors have been derived can be found in Annex 38.
Table II.4.6 PCDD/PCDF emission factors for source category 4d Glass Production
4d | Glass Production | Emission Factors (µg TEQ/t product) | ||||
Classification | Air | Water | Land | Product | Residue | |
1 | No dust control or contaminated, poor fuels | 0.2 | NA | NA | ND | ND |
2 | Glass production using dust abatement | 0.015 | NA | NA | ND | ND |
Class 1 includes furnaces with no dust controls which use poor, contaminated fuels.
Class 2 includes furnaces using dust abatement.
Activity rates may be obtained from various sources, such as the following:
Emission factors are provided with a medium level of confidence, based on the limited geographical scope of available data.
There is not enough information available to consider the production of ceramics as a source of PCDD/PCDF. As ceramics production is a thermal process, PCDD/PCDF will most likely be released to air. An estimate of these releases can be made by applying the emission factors developed for brick making.
Asphalt is generally used for road construction, and consists of rock chips, sand, fillers bound together in bitumen. Fillers can include fly ash from incineration or power plants. The first stage of the process is generally an air-drying unit for the minerals. The hot minerals are then mixed with hot bitumen to obtain asphalt. Asphalt mixing plants in industrialized countries may typically have gas cleaning such as fabric filters or wet dust control devices.
PCDD/PCDF emission factors for two source classes are listed in Table II.4.7. Detailed information on how these emission factors have been derived can be found in Annex 39.
Table II.4.7 PCDD/PCDF emission factors for source category 4e Asphalt Mixing
4e | Asphalt Mixing | Emission Factors (µg TEQ/t asphalt mix) | ||||
Classification | Air | Water | Land | Product | Residue | |
1 | Mixing plant with no gas cleaning, poor fuels | 0.07 | NA | ND | ND | ND |
2 | Mixing plant with fabric filter or wet scrubber | 0.007 | NA | ND | ND | 0.06 |
Class 1 includes installations without gas cleaning systems or using poor or contaminated fuels.
Class 2 includes modern asphalt mixing installations fitted with fabric filter or wet scrubbers for gas cleaning.
Activity rates may be obtained from various sources, such as the following:
Emission factors are provided with a medium level of confidence, based on the limited geographical scope of available data.
Oil shale is a general term applied to a group of fine black to dark brown shales rich enough in bituminous material (called kerogen) to yield petroleum upon distillation. The kerogen in oil shale can be converted to oil through pyrolysis. During pyrolysis the oil shale is heated to 500°C in the absence of air and the kerogen is converted to oil and separated out, a process called "retorting". The term "oil shale" is a misnomer. It does not contain oil nor is it commonly shale. The organic material is chiefly kerogen and the "shale" is usually a relatively hard rock, called marl. Properly processed, kerogen can be converted into a substance somewhat similar to petroleum. However, oil shale was not converted into “oil” by natural processes and therefore, oil shale has to be heated to a high temperature to become fossil fuel (WEC 2004).
There are two conventional approaches to oil shale processing (WEC 2004): in the first one, the shale is fractionated in-situ and heated to obtain gases and liquids. The second approach is by mining, transporting, and heating the shale to about 450°C, adding hydrogen to the resulting product, and disposing of and stabilizing the waste.
Oil shale has been burned directly as a fuel in a few countries such as Estonia, whose energy economy remains dominated by shale. For emission factors in the oil shale fired power plants, see source category 3a Fossil Fuel Power Plants.
PCDD/PCDF emission factors for two source classes are listed in Table II.4.8. Detailed information on how these emission factors have been derived can be found in Annex 40.
Table II.4.8 PCDD/PCDF emission factors for source category 4g Oil Shale Processing
4g | Oil Shale Processing | Emission Factors (µg TEQ/t oil shale) | ||||
Classification | Air | Water | Land | Product | Residue | |
1 | Thermal fractionation (process 1) | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
2 | Oil shale pyrolysis | 0.003 | NA | ND | 0.07 | 2 |
Class 1 includes thermal fractionation process.
Class 2 includes oil shale pyrolisis.
Activity rates may be obtained from various sources, such as the following:
Emission factors are provided with a medium level of confidence, based on the limited geographical scope of available data.